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Time complexity of recursive instructions

To get time complexity of recursive functions/calls, we first also show time complexity as recursive manner.

Time complexity in recursive form

We first have to create a way to describe time complexity of recursive functions in form of an equation as, \[ T(n) = ( \text{Recursive calls by the function} ) + ( \text{Time taken per call, i.e, the time taken except for recursive calls in the function} ) \]

  • Example, suppose we have a recursive function
int fact(int n){
  if(n == 0 || n == 1)
    return 1;
    return n * fact(n-1);

in this example, the recursive call is fact(n-1), therefore the time complexity of recursive call is T(n-1) and the time complexity of function except for recursive call is constant (let's assume c). So the time complexity is \[ T(n) = T(n-1) + c \] \[ T(1) = T(0) = C\ \text{where C is constant time} \]

  • Another example,
int func(int n){
  if(n == 0 || n == 1)
    return 1;
    return func(n - 1) * func(n - 2);

Here, the recursive calls are func(n-1) and func(n-2), therefore time complexities of recursive calls is T(n-1) and T(n-2). The time complexity of function except the recursive calls is constant (let's assume c), so the time complexity is \[ T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + c \] \[ T(1) = T(0) = C\ \text{where C is constant time} \]

  • Another example,
int func(int n){
  int r = 0;
  for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    r += i;

  if(n == 0 || n == 1)
    return r;
    return r * func(n - 1) * func(n - 2);

Here, the recursive calls are func(n-1) and func(n-2), therefore time complexities of recursive calls is T(n-1) and T(n-2). The time complexity of function except the recursive calls is θ (n) because of the for loop, so the time complexity is

\[ T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) + n \] \[ T(1) = T(0) = C\ \text{where C is constant time} \]

Solving Recursive time complexities

Iterative method

  • Take for example,

\[ T(1) = T(0) = C\ \text{where C is constant time} \] \[ T(n) = T(n-1) + c \]

We can expand T(n-1). \[ T(n) = [ T(n - 2) + c ] + c \] \[ T(n) = T(n-2) + 2.c \] Then we can expand T(n-2) \[ T(n) = [ T(n - 3) + c ] + 2.c \] \[ T(n) = T(n - 3) + 3.c \]

So, if we expand it k times, we will get

\[ T(n) = T(n - k) + k.c \] Since we know this recursion ends at T(1), let's put $n-k=1$. Therefore, $k = n-1$. \[ T(n) = T(1) + (n-1).c \]

Since T(1) = C \[ T(n) = C + (n-1).c \] So time complexity is, \[ T(n) = O(n) \]

  • Another example,

\[ T(1) = C\ \text{where C is constant time} \] \[ T(n) = T(n-1) + n \]

Expanding T(n-1), \[ T(n) = [ T(n-2) + n - 1 ] + n \] \[ T(n) = T(n-2) + 2.n - 1 \]

Expanding T(n-2), \[ T(n) = [ T(n-3) + n - 2 ] + 2.n - 1 \] \[ T(n) = T(n-3) + 3.n - 1 - 2 \]

Expanding T(n-3), \[ T(n) = [ T(n-4) + n - 3 ] + 3.n - 1 - 2 \] \[ T(n) = T(n-4) + 4.n - 1 - 2 - 3 \]

So expanding till T(n-k) \[ T(n) = T(n-k) + k.n - [ 1 + 2 + 3 + .... + k ] \] \[ T(n) = T(n-k) + k.n - \frac{k.(k+1)}{2} \]

Putting $n-k=1$. Therefore, $k=n-1$. \[ T(n) = T(1) + (n-1).n - \frac{(n-1).(n)}{2} \] \[ T(n) = C + n^2 - n - \frac{n^2}{2} + \frac{n}{2} \]

Time complexity is \[ T(n) = O(n^2) \]

Master Theorem for Subtract recurrences

For recurrence relation of type

\[ T(n) = c\ for\ n \le 1 \] \[ T(n) = a.T(n-b) + f(n)\ for\ n > 1 \] \[ \text{where for f(n) we can say, } f(n) = O(n^k) \] \[ \text{where, a > 0, b > 0 and k} \ge 0 \]

  • If a < 1, then T(n) = O(n^k)
  • If a = 1, then T(n) = O(nk+1)
  • If a > 1, then T(n) = O(n^k . an/b)

Example, \[ T(n) = 3T(n-1) + n^2 \] Here, f(n) = O(n^2), therfore k = 2, \\ Also, a = 3 and b = 1 \\ Since a > 1, $T(n) = O(n^2 . 3^n)$

Master Theorem for divide and conquer recurrences

\[ T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n).(log(n))^k \] \[ \text{here, f(n) is a polynomial function} \] \[ \text{and, a > 0, b > 0 and k } \ge 0 \] We calculate a value $n^{log_ba}$

  • If $\theta (f(n)) < \theta ( n^{log_ba} )$ then $T(n) = \theta (n^{log_ba})$
  • If $\theta (f(n)) > \theta ( n^{log_ba} )$ then $T(n) = \theta (f(n).(log(n))^k )$
  • If $\theta (f(n)) = \theta ( n^{log_ba} )$ then $T(n) = \theta (f(n) . (log(n))^{k+1})$

For the above comparision, we say higher growth rate is greater than slower growth rate. Eg, θ (n^2) > θ (n).

Example, calculating complexity for \[ T(n) = T(n/2) + 1 \] Here, f(n) = 1 \\ Also, a = 1, b = 2 and k = 0. \\ Calculating nlog_ba = nlog_21 = n^0 = 1 \\ Therfore, θ (f(n)) = θ (nlog_ba) \\ So time complexity is \[ T(n) = \theta ( 1 . (log(n))^{0 + 1} ) \] \[ T(n) = \theta (log(n)) \]

Another example, calculate complexity for \[ T(n) = 2T(n/2) + nlog(n) \]

Here, f(n) = n \\ Also, a = 2, b = 2 and k = 1 \\ Calculating nlog_ba = nlog_22 = n \\ Therefore, θ (f(n)) = θ (nlog_ba) \\ So time complexity is, \[ T(n) = \theta ( n . (log(n))^{2}) \]

Square root recurrence relations

Iterative method

Example, \[ T(n) = T( \sqrt{n} ) + 1 \] we can write this as, \[ T(n) = T( n^{1/2}) + 1 \] Now, we expand $T( n^{1/2})$ \[ T(n) = [ T(n^{1/4}) + 1 ] + 1 \] \[ T(n) = T(n^{1/(2^2)}) + 1 + 1 \] Expand, $T(n^{1/4})$ \[ T(n) = [ T(n^{1/8}) + 1 ] + 1 + 1 \] \[ T(n) = T(n^{1/(2^3)}) + 1 + 1 + 1 \]

Expanding k times, \[ T(n) = T(n^{1/(2^k)}) + 1 + 1 ... \text{k times } + 1 \] \[ T(n) = T(n^{1/(2^k)}) + k \]

Let's consider $T(2)=C$ where C is constant. \\ Putting $n^{1/(2^k)} = 2$ \[ \frac{1}{2^k} log(n) = log(2) \] \[ \frac{1}{2^k} = \frac{log(2)}{log(n)} \] \[ 2^k = \frac{log(n)}{log(2)} \] \[ 2^k = log_2n \] \[ k = log(log(n)) \]

So putting k in time complexity equation, \[ T(n) = T(2) + log(log(n)) \] \[ T(n) = C + log(log(n)) \] Time complexity is, \[ T(n) = \theta (log(log(n))) \]

Master Theorem for square root recurrence relations

For recurrence relations with square root, we need to first convert the recurrance relation to the form with which we use master theorem. Example, \[ T(n) = T( \sqrt{n} ) + 1 \] Here, we need to convert $T( \sqrt{n} )$ , we can do that by substituting \[ \text{Substitute } n = 2^m \] \[ T(2^m) = T ( \sqrt{2^m} ) + 1 \] \[ T(2^m) = T ( 2^{m/2} ) + 1 \]

Now, we need to consider a new function such that, \[ \text{Let, } S(m) = T(2^m) \] Thus our time recurrance relation will become, \[ S(m) = S(m/2) + 1 \] Now, we can apply the master's theorem. \\ Here, f(m) = 1 \\ Also, a = 1, and b = 2 and k = 0 \\ Calculating mlog_ba = mlog_21 = m^0 = 1 \\ Therefore, θ (f(m)) = θ ( mlog_ba ) \\ So by master's theorem, \[ S(m) = \theta (1. (log(m))^{0+1} ) \] \[ S(m) = \theta (log(m) ) \] Now, putting back $m = log(n)$ \[ T(n) = \theta (log(log(n))) \] Another example, \[ T(n) = 2.T(\sqrt{n})+log(n) \] Substituting $n = 2^m$ \[ T(2^m) = 2.T(\sqrt{2^m}) + log(2^m) \] \[ T(2^m) = 2.T(2^{m/2}) + m \] Consider a function $S(m) = T(2^m)$ \[ S(m) = 2.S(m/2) + m \] Here, f(m) = m \\ Also, a = 2, b = 2 and k = 0 \\ Calculating mlog_ba = mlog_22 = 1 \\ Therefore, θ (f(m)) > θ (mlog_ba) \\ Using master's theorem, \[ S(m) = \theta (m.(log(m))^0 ) \] \[ S(m) = \theta (m.1) \] Putting value of m, \[ T(n) = \theta (log(n)) \]